If you browse through our
number reference list, you'll see more than a few entries that consist of a string of numbers separated by decimal points. Currently, these include:
Our list also includes
AA8200. 0000. 0000337, but this is currently the only instance that includes letters as well as numbers. It also includes a suspicious use of spaces.
Please use this thread to post more numbers that follow this format and appear in ODST references. Please provide images with your post.
Please also use this thread to discuss the possible interpretation of these numbers.
For example:
Are these numbers be interrelated?
Should the sections be handled separately?
Do the four purely numeric instances "fill in" the blanks and zeros of the "AA" number?
Please note that none of the four numeric instances are valid IP addresses (IPv4). Valid IP addresses can not have a value greater than 255 in any section.
A BNET thread related to this is
here and provides a method by which 55.6992.3840 can be converted to the date 10/26/15 (summing up the digits in each section).
So what, then, to make of the same calculation on the other numbers?
55.7759.7736 => 10/28/23
8903.877.22 => 20/22/04
1.3442.9390.10 => "1/13/21 1"?
AA8200. 0000. 0000337 => "AA 10/00/13"?
Unfiction has a thread related to the numbers on the Limited Edition Controller