Off topic :Cold Glider made a intresting discovery a few weeks ago, he moved a plinth in such away that it would show up in a in game cut scene. ( Im sure CG could go into detail)
On topic and theory: I think we could make a fully erected (lol) elite stand up for a duration of a cut scene.
It would have to be done on Campaign Mission: Tayari Plaza ( This is one of the only missions that has dead elites) I think its really the only level we can do it on.
How can we get it to stand that long?
Well I have a sound theory: When ever an In game cut scene occurs EVERYTHING else in and around the environment freezes.
How or why would I think that?
well...Have you ever been attacked while in a in game cut scene?....answer is no.
This most likely would have to be a Co-op game one person trying to stand the elite while the other gets ready to active the cut scene ( buy opening the Pod door )
Again this HAS been tested ( with plinths )but should still ring true for the elites. The real a$$ kicker will be getting the elite all the way to the end of the chapter....
CG - please Co-sign and use some of your fancy words.