Author Topic: plinth on tarazy plaza found?  (Read 2603 times)


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plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« on: December 16, 2009, 23:59:04 »
Hi, ive checked the arkhive and what im talking about is not there. actully, alot things that used to be there arent.  :-\ well anyways, i found a plinth on tarazi plaza. IM SURE its been found. but i hate it when i find something and cant find it again so plz tell me if its been found or not. i can post pics if its not been found. Its the tall plinth not the shortish one.
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 00:12:25 »
Found. :-[


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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2009, 00:13:24 »
haha i knew it. Grrr.... I NEED TO FIND SOMETHING. im gonna make a video about an arrow. brb
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2009, 07:04:32 »
Hi, ive checked the arkhive and what im talking about is not there. actully, alot things that used to be there arent.  :-\ well anyways, i found a plinth on tarazi plaza. IM SURE its been found. but i hate it when i find something and cant find it again so plz tell me if its been found or not. i can post pics if its not been found. Its the tall plinth not the shortish one.

Who can spot three reasons why this post was a total FAIL?

Well try not to take it personally, Cycle.  I blame the fact that the SGP grew quickly in a short amount of time and the organization has evolved.  In other words, I blame myself.  The mod staff is well aware that a better resource for presenting our collective SGP knowledge is required.  Until that materializes, we are stuck with the forum.  So let's look at how this place is supposed to work and see if the Arkive needs some re-tuning.

In the SGP Readme under "Rules" (which is a very small section!) it states:
Post your topic in the appropriate child board.  Descriptions of these appear below their names on the main board page.  Use the main board only for topics that fall outside the subject matter of the child boards.

Alrighty.  So I have an image of a plinth that I think I discovered.  I want to report this to the SGP.  Where do I post it?

The description of the Arkive board reads:
Mission: Catalog and analyze the in-game images found within ODST that are relevant to the SGP. Manage all non-map image data provided by other task forces.

This is a bit confusing, since images of most everything in the game can be taken in Theater Mode; therefore, everything should be in the Arkive, right?  Well the Arkive was meant to be a place to discuss things like the the company logos, the Optican Image and the Operation Terminated image.  These are fictional images that exist within the virtual world of ODST.  

But aren't those last two example really supposed to be in Task Force: 7?  It's description reads:
Mission: What is in a number? Catalog the appearances of numbers in ODST and determine what significance- if any- they have on gameplay.

Well, you have me there.  Originally, it was intended that we would post all images in the Arkive and Task Force: 7 would be the place for discussion of the images.  Then the powers-that-be at SubLife gave us an Image Gallery ( to organize our images into.  Later on, I increased the file size limit for attachments (it's now even bigger than my last report!)  These two changes have sort of left the Arkive out in the cold.  

Let's get back to your plinth post, though.  

You say you looked through Arkive and saw no posts on the plinths.  That was sort of an indicator that you were in the wrong place.  At that point, the board descriptions should have commenced their review.  From the Report In! desctipion:
Did you find something that isn't necessarily covered by a task force? Here is the place to post your discovery!

Aha!  I wanted to report a discovery and that board says it's for reporting discoveries!  That must be where it goes!  Right?

Yes.  Since the plinths are not covered by any of our other boards, Report In! is where new discoveries should be reported.

Well how do I know someone hasn't already found it?

Answer 1:  The Image Gallery
There is a link to the Image Gallery at the top of your screen right now.  (You should use it!)  The gallery currently holds 697 images related to ODST!  These are organized into albums which is not too different from the way our forum here is organized into boards.  

If you poked around the gallery long enough, you'd have found the Plinth Album which includes photos of the plinths.  You may have also found Apollo Doom's Plinth Map which shows their locations.

Answer 2:  The Search Function
You could also have done a search on "plinth" and read up on what was already discovered.  One of the first hits for that search leads you to our Summary of Confirmed Findings which details where the plinths were found, when, and by whom.  Another hit that comes up is the SGP Terminology and Jargon which reads:

Plinth:  One of four movable in-game plinth objects of which there are two unique forms.  These have been the focus of much attention as they resemble Forerunner architecture.  (See Gallery.)  The plinths were discovered by SGP Members EnigmaBiz2, lordofthebeets, and SpecOps.  A map of their locations, made by Apollo Doom, is here.  [link]

So as you can see, there were at least a couple of ways you could have answered your own question here.  Please try to research things before you post!  If you can't find something and have a question, the proper place to post is in Inquiries back to the Arkive.  What do we do about this place, people?  Should be get rid of it?  Replace it?  Update its description?  Please reply to this post since discussion of Arkive naturally belongs in Arkive!

BTW, Cycle:  you are certainly not the only one who has been posting topics in the wrong areas!  Everyone does it and just today I probably had to move half a dozen posts.  But do try to take your time and think things through before you post!  Otherwise you may begin to feel like you're posting a question to a Marty Army Q&A.  Had that been the case, my response could have been one sentence:

Is "tarazy plaza" in Texas?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 07:10:55 by ColdGlider »


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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 20:26:06 »
*cry* JK lol. I was gonna put it in report in but i was already halfway through the post and got lazy.
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 23:15:23 »
btw odst glitcher says we found the fifth one (well actully i found it before him) and he says dont belive enigma.  :'( i have nothing to say. I am confuzled.  :(
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 23:47:57 »
Don't believe ME!! >:(

Aside from the ghost Brute (don't ask) I am infallible.

infallible: adjective
1.    absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule.
2.    unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain: an infallible remedy.
3.    not fallible; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements: an infallible principle.
4.    Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church.

odst glitcher

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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2009, 23:53:04 »
Don't believe ME!! >:(

Aside from the ghost Brute (don't ask) I am infallible.

infallible: adjective
1.    absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule.
2.    unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain: an infallible remedy.
3.    not fallible; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements: an infallible principle.
4.    Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church.

hey i was joking but seriously enigma you always like to just post

found  :-[ in scatcycles threads(most) and i haven`t found this plinth before but it doesn`t seem to be there on MS
as the doors are locked and i couldn`t clip through
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 00:02:09 »
yeah i saw the ghost thing its hilarious. It shows just how fallen apart bungie is.
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odst glitcher

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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 00:03:09 »
yeah i saw the ghost thing its hilarious. It shows just how fallen apart bungie is.

ghost thing? you are talking about you floating right?

wow three users all doing the same at the same time lulz
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 00:04:54 »
I post Found merely to avoid trash talking,

Why trash talking Enigma?

Because most of the information has been covered and reading redundant information isn't helpful to anyone.


    Read, read, read, and post only if you didn't read it. When posting take your time.


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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 00:06:30 »
yeah i saw the ghost thing its hilarious. It shows just how fallen apart bungie is.

ghost thing? you are talking about you floating right?

wow three users all doing the same at the same time lulz
no, his topic at bungie.
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 00:07:27 »

    Read, read, read, and post only if you didn't read it. When posting take your time.

i didn`t understand one bit of that but to find stuff you must look more into a already found thing possibly
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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2009, 01:30:08 »
btw odst glitcher says we found the fifth one (well actully i found it before him) and he says dont belive enigma.  :'( i have nothing to say. I am confuzled.  :(

Thanks to your claim, I addressed the issue with a new post in Cartographers that will allow you to learn who discovered the "fifth plinth"... or at least half of who discovered it!  We also need input on naming them.  Please give it a read.



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Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 01:31:56 »
i dunno. aparently it wasnt me. i would think it would be enigma. he seems andrenalized aboiut those plinths.
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