I'd like to reboot this search, but to approach it from a different angle. I suggest employing a sort of "music genome" technique similar to what Pandora does for their music suggestions, identifying the unique sounds and features for each section of the OST. For those of you who have listened to the OST, you will have no doubt noticed that each song is split into multiple, distinct sections, almost as if each section was it's own song. Another aspect to note is that (in my experience) the 'Superintendent Shuffle' hardly ever plays the sections from the same song. If we can come up with an easy way of identifying each section, this project will become so much easier, and players won't just be saying "The music changed in Squidhenge," they will be saying "The music changed from the second section of Deference for Darkness to the first section of The Menagerie!"
Here's the first few songs:
1 Overture
S1 0:00
Starts with rain
Orchestra, slow background
Solo violin, slow melody
S2 1:55
Ear piercing noise every once and a while, "spaceship" sound
Soft 'knocking' sound
S3 2:44
Fast high melody in beginning, multiple instruments
Transitions to repetitive, 'clockwork' melody, middle range
Slow background orchestra
S4 3:50
Fast transition
Percussion heavy
Low strings provide slow melody/harmony
High strings come in, continue melody
Echo snare
2 The Rookie
S1 0:00
Low strings, mostly stay on same note
Echo snare
Mid-high strings come in, slow melody
Piano intermittent, sometimes jazzy riffs
S2 1:41
Low strings, like S1
Heavy percussion
High strings providing harmony
Cymbal transition
Low strings play sparse bass line
Mid-high strings play moderately paced melody
High strings move to fast, repetitive melody
Low strings play almost chromatic ascending line
High strings crescendo a very tense chord/ear piercing noise
S3 3:07
Disjointed instruments occasionally playing ODST 'theme' (Sax, violin, guitar, etc.)
Doppler effect synth sounds
Echoing beeps
Transitions to different ambiance
Repeating 'knocking'
fade transition to S4
S4 4:59
Echo/muted percussion
Low choir providing harmony, slow chord changes
Transition to high strings providing harmony/chords, choir providing bass line
Brief transition to short string chord
3 More Than His Share
S1 0:00
Echo bass, repetitive bass line
Synth chords/harmony
Mid-high strings play slow melody
Melody moves to low-mid strings
Soloist singer begins high slow melody
Fade transition to brief ambiance
Echo beeps
Bass and percussion return
Bass stops
Echo percussion
S2 3:13
Fast 'tinkling'
Choir or synth providing low background harmony
Percussion cuts away and low, fast, electronic sounding bass cuts in
Transitions immediately afterward to percussion and tremolo synth
Cuts back to percussion and fast bass
Heavy drum hits, tinkling starts
Back to percussion and tremolo synth
Changes to Heavy drums and low choir
Cuts back to percussion and fast bass
Back to percussion and tremolo synth
Heavy drums and low choir
S3 5:06
Low strings, slow melody
High strings, occasional long notes
Ends. Short