I have many jobs, but this was just something I was temporarily doing for my father. I'm still in school so it's just some money I'm making to liven it up a bit. I also just noticed that in the image of the failure rates there is a consecutive 1%, 1%, and 7%. That's right, our old friend 117. Right now I'm looking into the stock price of QTA.V on 09/09/09 (pax date), but I'm not sure I can find that. But that's likely not the case, as Bungie was probably working on this image before PAX, and there's no way they'd be able to predict what the price of QTA.V would be on 09.
But unfortunately, that technical report was made effective in 2012. Which means that it may just be one hell of a coincidence. Although it could be that things like that image were used previously and are being used now. But 2012 is a long time away from 2009. Looks like it's probably just some crazy coincidence. It all seems perfect, it's just the dates that are problems.