Well, anyway braille has 3 lines. So i tried this, and it looks like you can get many diffrent things. Its all about how you use the spaces and if you combine or not.
I got this,
a ji(n)ae(n)bji(n)he(n)d,
And you can see there are some random N's in there. This was because there are 4 identical letters or combination. Braille for E, is the same as en, and Braille for I, is the same as In. The First one i showed you has those N's, the second one does not.
a jiaebjihed,
Yes, there is a comma at the end. The dot was this: . On the ground, so i looked for it and it can be many things, including capitalization or something, its complicated, with our Braille.
Dehijbeaij a That is it backwards, if you think the last dot did mean capitalization for the last letter.
Im sure if you try it you can come up with different results by seeing it differently, so go try it!