I'm sure that you've all heard the song
"No Stone Unturned" by Martin O'Donnel. This song is in ODST, of course.
But I feel as if there is more to this song. Let me tell you my thoughts:
No Stone Unturned. Even the title is thought provoking. If we relate this to secrets in ODST, it means search everything. Leave nothing untouched.
Now lets go into the song. It starts out as a journey, trying to find something. At 20 seconds, you think you've found it! The following music afterwards implies that you have not found it, you were mistaken. You put your head down and manifest the loss. Then you look up, and think: "I can find this. I CAN FIND THIS!".
At 1:30 a depressing music starts playing. After many valiant attempts, you just cannot find it. These failures convince you that it is nonexistent. Then you think about earlier, how you said you will find it. "I will find it!" You say again. At 2:40 you know you can find it. You will stop at nothing. Your journey starts again, hence the fast paced music. Your head is up, not down. You are getting closer. Closer. Closer... There. 3:17. You've found it.
Now how about us, the SGP. Lets find it.