The good news is we did something.
The bad news is we don't know what we did.
The Team: Pulse. Apollo. Enigma: Team PEA...or APE.
Mission: " The Package "
Objective: Load SBMG and search for anything out of the ordinary..
The plan:
Clear the area.
activate T4B
Tank block SBMG
Check newly loaded zone.
After reloading the check points a few time..we finally parked 3 of the 4 Banshees inside the SBMG and then proceeded to clear the area out. Once completed the 3 of us headed back for our rides and continued to search the newly loaded area. At this point the first area (up to the SBMG had De-loaded) the 3 of us canvassed the area and found nothing. Apollo dissatisfied with our finding headed back towards the T4B spawning point and to his dismay the Deload did a reload.
I started to head towards Apollo who had now landed at the starting point and the 2nd switch was visible and green! As if we could activate it again...but no luck. Apollo took off in his banshee and noticed a Falcon....flying upside down. We both flew towards it as it floated though the air and quickly realized that we were able to react with it. It had properties of a balloon that was losing air, light and falling slowly. Apollo and I kept flying into it until it hit the water and disappeared.
After that the 3 of us went on foot patrol for a while Apollo had to head out.
Last Men standing: Pulse and Enigma
After Apollo's good bye we both flew back to SBMG. I parked my Banshee and headed past the elevator and on to the actual mission..I quickly realized that there was NO ENEMIES. The map would load, doors would open...but the place was empty. Unfortunately once Pulse and I entered the room before you get to the MM Sword base part, we became stuck, both the entrance and exit locked us in...with no way out.
Funny moments:
Enigma: WTF! BOOM!!!! (Banshee blows up)
Apollo: ENIGMA!!?
Enigma: Dude, I did even do anything..The tree killed me!
Apollo: WTF!? BOOM!!! (Banshee blows up)
Apollo: oh..Sorry Nigma I just did the same're right I didn't even see it.
(revert to last save)
Apollo: Oops lost the banshee revert to the last save Nigma.
(revert to last save)
Enigma: WTF we are all the way back here...F&%$!!
Apollo: Pulse don't kill anything else.
Apollo: God damn it Pulse!
(revert to last save)
Enigma: Pulse bring your banshee to SBMG..
Enigma: Pulse?...
((New Message))
From Pulse - I cant get it.
Enigma: Apollo, Pulse got his banshee stuck..and THE TANK!!
Apollo: that's fine, we will just nade em past the barrier.
(betray, betray, betray........)
Apollo: Wait....did you hear that?
Enigma: wha?
Apollo: Sounded like...Nigma are you a girl Spartan?!
Enigma: Yea...I like to hear her breath.