I was thinking Sorvad was a weird name and started playing around with it a bit. I realized that the letters in Sorvad, when reversed, spell Davros. I'm not a
Doctor Who fan, but apparently
Davros is a main villain in the popular BBC time travel series. Of interest, he is a talented and mad scientist who engineers a (mostly) robotic race known as the Daleks and places them in
Mark-III travel machines/armor. He is reminiscent of Halsey in this regard, though his creations are villains rather than heroes. He also resembles the Prophets with his glowing blue "eye" and in the fact that he is (due to injury) encased in a chair-like device that can (eventually) hover. In one of his many incarnations - Doctor Who is probably more complicated than Halo in its many plot reversals - he looks like
this. Note the hexagon.
I think we could go on and on here.