Thanks Nightcrafter
This is what I have so far, in order that (I think) they appear,
00;03;28?;30 ? could be 78 or 18
00;03;28.... last number is off the edge of the screen
If you notice as well some of the other cameras also have the numbers, not in shaded banner shape, but in the usual place.
Wondered if maybe the shaded banner around some could just be to draw attention to these numbers in general.
Hope this is helpful in some way?? do we both see the same??
Also if you are bored for 5 minutes.... Lumumba 0624
In Sep7embers post... big yellow sign in the pic has Lumumba 0624 written vertically on the side, where on the pic posted it looks like a bunch of short line's running the length of it. Subtle hint??
Now like I say it appears I lots in lots of different places in Sadie's story, but in the in game cut scene, (I think it was the first time it appears) what looks like static in the video, when paused actually has a narrow well focused strip across the screen.
In which is the SI face and the hex pattern.
This took a few goes to pause it on exactly the right place, it happens more than once focusing on a bin and other things?
I have not had time to get into this in more detail, the time I have had has been in the middle of the night, hardly able to focus on the screen, but maybe similar happens in Sadie's Story or else where? trailers etc.??