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Report In! / Re: The Engineer in Halo 3: ODST has a name.
« Last post by nightcrafter27 on August 13, 2014, 22:43:37 »
I agree with CIA.
Alright, I'll dig it. I'd just be arguing semantics if pursued this line of debate.

If the QTA XII/VI patch is indeed a reference to Vergil/Quick To Adjust, the secret is remarkably well hidden. I don't think there is any reference to the name Quick To Adjust except for the Catalog's post. It seems unlikely to be linked.

But while we're thinking about it, we might as well see what we can do. The player can only interact with Vegil at the end of CM: DH tHe beginning and end of CM: CH. Off the top of my head, I don't know what clips of Sadie's Story involve Vergil, But I do know there aren't enough Circles or Arks to match up with the numbers implied by XII and VI.

However, the Bungie PAX panel where the QTA patch was revealed challenged fans to solve the mystery before ODST was released. That means that the secret isn't in-game. Hurmph. I really hope somebody can show me where my train of thought went wrong.
Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« Last post by CIA391 on August 13, 2014, 16:46:20 »
Well facticius indoles means Engineer.


Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded Engineer symbolic structures

This means that in other media, like books(stuff without pictures), and also stuff we dont see. There is records of differences between Engineer symbols. Just we probably wont see them unless 343i decide to show them. Which is good cause we have less chance of getting confused :)
Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« Last post by Imppa on August 13, 2014, 15:46:37 »
I think that firefight is our best bet for progress. The detonator is already armed in campaign, and it doesn't make too much sense for the detonator to disarm based on some trigger. I'm betting that if this detonator does anything, there will be some trigger to arm it in firefight.

But having an Easter Egg in the CM would seem more logical to me..especially since it DOES make the sound.

Are we sure it isn't just some switch that triggers some other EE in the level? Checking every place and looking for eggs after triggering the sound seems like a good idea, if we haven't done that already...

Besides, I'm not as good as I used to be in Halo, and I was never very good. :(

Report In! / Re: The Engineer in Halo 3: ODST has a name.
« Last post by Imppa on August 13, 2014, 15:42:08 »
I agree with CIA. the phrase "Their parents would name them accordingly" doesn't exactly imply that there would be a predefined set of names. Quick to Adjust should work just fine as a Hurakog name, implying that Virgil is a very versatile Engineer (especially considering how he linked into the SuperIntendent's system!).

Sure, Quick to Adjust might be a bit of an unimaginative alternative of Easy to Adjust, but I say it floats just fine.

Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« Last post by Imppa on August 13, 2014, 15:33:55 »

Query Answer: Original recordings located in Human records. No contextual [semiotic] information found. Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures.

Awesome! An answer from up above! :D

However, I'm a bit more pessimistic about the answer as you guys are, I think... The Catalog's response might just mean, as Night said, that 343i doesn't know, the "human records" maybe being Bungie themselves or, perhaps, the game itself, and that  "No contextual [semiotic] information" can be found in the archives.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Bungie wouldn't have some idea about the glyphs. What's more, as these are the glyphs we know as Engineer Glyphs, what are " recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures" then?

Maybe we should start pressuring the Bungie guys about this as well.
Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« Last post by CIA391 on August 13, 2014, 14:00:20 »
Quote from: Waypoint forums
Query: Is there any information to the Symbols found in the Engineer Glyphs and Sadies Story Logs. Any known information into this matter would be greatly appreciated. As 5 years of research has not moved this any further.

Query Answer: Original recordings located in Human records. No contextual [semiotic] information found. Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures

Here's CIA's question along with the response. After some quick Googling, [semiotic]s is the process of making meanings out of symbols, and [facticius indoles] is the "scientific name" for Engineers.

A couple questions for CIA:
Have you discussed the glyphs with the Catalog before? I'd just like to make it clear that we are talking about glyphs and not Forerunner symbols.
 Catalog made reference to "Human records"; is there any place we can access these?

I'm glad you are doing this, and its great work. The only thing that worries me is that Catalog's response might indicate that 343 doesn't know. Dan Miller told us that the super-tri and related glyphs are "also a secret internally, with a total of maybe four people in all of Bungie that knows about it." The secret might not have been relinquished by Bungie.

My question had pictures with it also.
Query: Is there any information to the Symbols found in the Engineer Glyphs and Sadies Story Logs. Any known information into this matter would be greatly appreciated. As 5 years of research has not moved this any further.
Reference Pictures:
Glyph Symbols
Sadie's Story Symbols

Showing the symbols(in the glyphs and sadies story) but the Catalog has been known only to take the question part of queries. But still making sure the question is relevant.
Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« Last post by nightcrafter27 on August 13, 2014, 13:51:36 »
Quote from: Waypoint forums
Query: Is there any information to the Symbols found in the Engineer Glyphs and Sadies Story Logs. Any known information into this matter would be greatly appreciated. As 5 years of research has not moved this any further.

Query Answer: Original recordings located in Human records. No contextual [semiotic] information found. Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures

Here's CIA's question along with the response. After some quick Googling, [semiotic]s is the process of making meanings out of symbols, and [facticius indoles] is the "scientific name" for Engineers.

A couple questions for CIA:
Have you discussed the glyphs with the Catalog before? I'd just like to make it clear that we are talking about glyphs and not Forerunner symbols.
 Catalog made reference to "Human records"; is there any place we can access these?

I'm glad you are doing this, and its great work. The only thing that worries me is that Catalog's response might indicate that 343 doesn't know. Dan Miller told us that the super-tri and related glyphs are "also a secret internally, with a total of maybe four people in all of Bungie that knows about it." The secret might not have been relinquished by Bungie.
Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« Last post by CIA391 on August 13, 2014, 13:05:43 »
Heh well I never truely gave up on ODST, I mean as long as that Super Triglyph annoys me I will still go back to it.

Well I asked the Catalog on waypoint about the symbols. And got this answer back(

Query Answer: Original recordings located in Human records. No contextual [semiotic] information found. Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures.

Cause this was in universe answer deviations could mean any bit of Engineer symbols, even those not seen in the games. And it also shows that in the Halo universe Humans dont know what it means either.

But this does confirm that the Symbols in Sadies story are engineer symbols and relate to the Glyphs. Which means we are or were on the right track. :)
Report In! / Re: The Engineer in Halo 3: ODST has a name.
« Last post by CIA391 on August 13, 2014, 12:53:56 »
Well I always took them as examples. Engineers were named after how their gasses effected them pretty much. The book mortal dictata shows this in a good line.

"All their names have something to do with their buoyancy qualities. Why they've never run out of words to describe that, I have no idea."
Report In! / Re: The Engineer in Halo 3: ODST has a name.
« Last post by nightcrafter27 on August 12, 2014, 15:33:59 »
Moved this thread to a more appropriate board.

It's time for research. I'll see if there is a source from Bungie for this information. I know 343 is in charge of Halo now, but they didn't make ODST or QTA XII/VI.


Ok, so some conflicting things. Halopedia's article on Quick To Adjust says that the name is never mentioned in Halo 3: ODST. My memory supports this, and there is no mention of a name in the POGG. The only source is the Waypoint topic CIA linked.

According to Contact Harvest, engineers can be named one of three things:
As a result, new Huragok would initially float or sink,
and their parents would name them accordingly: Far Too Heavy; Easy To Adjust; Lighter Than
Quick to Adjust isn't one of them. Staten wrote Contact Harvest, and was the lead writer for ODST; I don't think he's going to cross canon that he himself wrote. Scat, if you are reading this, you had better check this in your annotated copy.

My judgement on this topic as of right now is that Bungie canon takes precedent over 343. I'll see what I can do about contacting a Bungie employee to confirm if this is true.

[EDIT 2]

It seems I've been a little out of the loop. Staten's LinkedIn profile shows that he now works for Microsoft, and could theoretically have some say in 343. However, he hasn't listed any involvement with 343's Halo titles.
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