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Messages - odst glitcher

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ODST General Discussion / Re: SGP: Suggestion Research Partys
« on: December 18, 2009, 00:17:28 »
THAT HAPPEND TO ME BRAINO! odst glitcher never pays attention.

wow we got stuck alot and you kept betraying me for some reason i was searching the city

which is why going by foot is so much better.

i don`t get it

i could explore the whole area but never searched much so tommorow i` m gonna check out there some more and this time load the next sector

Report In! / Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« on: December 18, 2009, 00:07:27 »

    Read, read, read, and post only if you didn't read it. When posting take your time.

i didn`t understand one bit of that but to find stuff you must look more into a already found thing possibly

Report In! / Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« on: December 18, 2009, 00:03:09 »
yeah i saw the ghost thing its hilarious. It shows just how fallen apart bungie is.

ghost thing? you are talking about you floating right?

wow three users all doing the same at the same time lulz

Report In! / Re: plinth on tarazy plaza found?
« on: December 17, 2009, 23:53:04 »
Don't believe ME!! >:(

Aside from the ghost Brute (don't ask) I am infallible.

infallible: adjective
1.    absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule.
2.    unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain: an infallible remedy.
3.    not fallible; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements: an infallible principle.
4.    Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church.

hey i was joking but seriously enigma you always like to just post

found  :-[ in scatcycles threads(most) and i haven`t found this plinth before but it doesn`t seem to be there on MS
as the doors are locked and i couldn`t clip through

yah i remember that but i found out how to get the camera out only using a phantom

i was floating above the phantom cockpit in free cam waiting for him to elevate in a attempt to find the pilot

he pushed me through the barrier and i could explore the entire area but it didn`t all load

SGP Task Force: The Cartographers / Re: District Door ID Numbers
« on: December 17, 2009, 23:47:45 »
Could you give me the video Glitcher? I would have some use for it...

aww crap i just went offline and i wont be going back on till tommorow  >:(

all you need to do is spam yourself with plasma grenades(or a frag and rocket) and get lucky enough for your body to pass the barrier

SGP Task Force: The Cartographers / Re: District Door ID Numbers
« on: December 17, 2009, 17:00:32 »
I have updated the map again.  Two doors in the black area of D00 were added along with four "theoretical doors" which brings the total up to 44 DDs.  Once again I have updated the OP as well.

I'd like to find a way to get the camera past the invisible ceiling in D01 at the beginning of CM:CH so I can observe D0199-A and D0199-B.

i`ll tell you how

while messing around trying to launch across the bridge i got bored and started to nade myself with plasmas

in one attempt my body actually launched above the barrier and was stuck in mid air where the DO9(i think) would be

as you can see only the district i was in loaded but if you can launch your body out in D01 you could view the outside

p.s. i`m gonna try and get out next to uplift reserve to see if it loads

SGP Task Force: Black Ops / Re: how to get out of maps
« on: December 17, 2009, 16:56:25 »
There's a way to get totally out of Coastal Highway in-game, not just in theater ;
That's here, you should be able to understand with the pics on the following tutorial, and maybe with google translation :P


in the vid i do get out just takes long and i went back in at another point silly me   :)

hey how do i join halocreation as i have two glitchs but i`ve forgotten one(will remember soon lol)

Theorizers / Re: Saving dare. What if we dont?
« on: December 17, 2009, 16:52:58 »
i had a glitch where no doors were locked but nothing new
and you could probably glitch out

Theorizers / Re: RE: Arrow pointing to doom = something bigger?
« on: December 17, 2009, 16:17:05 »
seen this before by accident lol

SGP Task Force: Black Ops / Re: how to get out of maps
« on: December 17, 2009, 16:13:28 »
>>SENT: [COLDGLIDER.ADMIN.SGP] 2009.12.18 >>  Massive quote removed.

thank you for sharing how to but don`t forget that if you go too close to the glass you get trapped in the normal barrier

and you have to wraith launch out

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Saving the Engineers?
« on: December 16, 2009, 18:48:19 »
lead the brute into another district and kill him before he dissapears if done right the engineer wont be affected(done this at ONI alpha site area)

I led the brute from the D04 Sunken Plaza into D06 three times.  I was never able to keep the Engineers alive after the Brute died in an adjacent district.

Video 1 (Mombasa St 007)

My first attempt is a fail, so forward to 2:07.  I lead the brute into D06 through D0604-A.  He despawns before I kill him.  This happens at 3:05.  If you pan cam over to the engineers before the District Doors (DDs) close, you will see them go "poof!" precisely at 3:05.  They become horseshoe-shaped ghosts that Enigma can use to further his disinformation campaign (please don't!)  Also at 3:05 the DDs were shut- not that it matters.  Once you see this, you can end the film.  The remaining nine minutes is just me getting set up for the next run.

Video 2 (Mombasa St 008)

This time I kill the Brute before he despawns, but I kill him right on the threshold of the DDs.  The engineers go bang normally.  The DDs were open the entire time.  I didn't like this video for three reasons:  I forgot to quit and resume so the action doesn't start until 10 minutes in, the DDs remained open, and the Brute died too close to the door.  So skip it.  I link it only so that the proof is provided.

Video 3 (Mombasa St 009)

So far this is my best attempt.  The Brute buys the farm at 1:31.  The DDs are closed (although the lock is still in a yellow status.)  I get it done on my first try.  What happens back over in D04?  The usual, precisely at 1:31.  Dead engineers.

What is somewhat interesting in Video 1 and Video 3 is how the Engineers' deaths don't climax with a huge explosion (mind your comments, fellas) but instead just vanish into a small blue cloud sometimes without even doing their normal pre-explosion ascent.   I'm guessing that this is some manner of game optimization or simply a theater glitch.

In any event, I could not replicate what OG claims to have done in CM:MS:ONI. 

P.S.  If you care to see any of these videos in the future, please save them to your machine.  I'll be taking them down eventually to make more room for other things. 

well thats strange maybe i got lucky, i lead him over through the doors and killed him, when i returned to the area he normally would be the engineer was simply still floating around

i`ll get a vid next time it happens

Thank you Coldglider ! Like i said before, i'm busy but still looking here and working on our stuff !

... And the video :

And the tutorial (une French, but with many pics that could allow you with the video to understand different steps of this glitch) :

 ;D *happy Tepec, happy*

P.S. : can't I make the video directly in this post ? The link on Youtube for this doesn't seem to work here  :-\

this annoys me  >:( i can`t speak french  :(

can you get a english translation of your website

SGP Task Force: Black Ops / help?
« on: December 15, 2009, 14:29:03 »
i have currently been thinking about the AR in FF i discovered a long time ago and i`m thinking of seeing if i can load teh starting area

any takers to help

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