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Messages - odst glitcher

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Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:47:36 »
Do it again (to be triple sure it always happens) and post a video of it. Also, try to make it as short as possible.

i`m currently offline but scat might be able to post the new vid and yes i`ll triple try but it happened both times with the right amount of explosions

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:43:55 »
we tried it again and all four elites stood up. with visr on they had no shading around them. it doesnt work on brutes. while we was trying it on a brute the brute the tri glyph appeard. RIGHT while we were doing it. not there, then there. ask me or glitcher for more.

you are fast lol sorry for quiting i had to get off right away but i could try and sneak on later or you can wait for tommorow

BTW if you have 2 controllers you can test on other dead enemies and try bringing them into the henge

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 19, 2009, 21:56:09 »
Yeah, cool outcome with those 'nades. The likelyhood of finding something on accident is somehow a lot better than trying to find stuff, lol.
Good find guys.

thanks i`m going to try some time to see if it works with other dead bodies or just them elites

any news on that other elite though i still don`t know if he was also standing

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 19, 2009, 21:49:02 »

I wish my box was working right now (it's not reading discs..great, lol), I'd watch that film, but did you two just punch elites over to there?

we punched the two elites already next to the henge into it then blew the nades but i wasn`t expecting this

have you tried fixing your box or could you watch it on the interwebz(lol)

if only CG was online and could see this even put it on youtube do people like you can watch it

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 19, 2009, 21:24:57 »
For some reason I hope that it's ust some kind of a glitch more than a easter egg...Well, you know...
Epic creepiness...
But still it's a major found. Do it again, and perhaps SGP has their first big thingie founded! :)

you find it creepy lol  :laugh: the creepy part was when i had the camera under him and he wanted a hug

me and scat will try ASAP(as soon as possible) but for now it will stay a mystery

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 19, 2009, 21:18:11 »
Wait. WHAT? Holy -blam!-!
Someone pleeeeease tell me this is not for real.... It's standing up and everything, holding a invisible gun...
Was it standing by itself and how long was it up? I still feel it was just the wxplosion that made it "stand up" for a sec, but the pictures don't look like that...
If I just would have some time to check the vid (I don't)...

what scat said and he was standing for a few seconds then just collapsed and he looked like he was hugging the camera lol XD

and if it was propelled by the grenades he would of toppled over straight away but he just stood there not moving sadly we had killed the engineers as they counted as enemies and scat wouldn`t respawn with them around

Intel / Re: Dark Hall on Final Level
« on: December 19, 2009, 20:52:25 »
 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

i`ll try later and you can help if you want

Report In! / Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 19, 2009, 20:49:39 »

>> photo courtesy ColdGlider <<

Zombielites are dead elites in the streets of New Mombasa animating to stand up for 3-5 seconds before lying back down again.  The animation is triggered by multiple explosions above the dead elite corpse.

Currently, both elites in Squidhenge and all five elites in the northern Y-glyph alley (near D0604-A) of D06 have been "infected", as it were.

An image gallery of Zombielites is here.  

Short video showing five Zombielites in D06 (10:19)
Original SGP KIDZ video showing both corpses in Squidhenge becoming Zombielites (requires forwarding through 20 min)
Scatcyle's video (25:56)

Original Post

 me and the scatman were messing around in mombasa streets when i start betraying him in the squidhenge for grenades. we then blow all the nades up and this happens

here is the vid for further analyzing and can anyone check if the other dead elite was standing up i can`t check now

skip to about 20:00 and the grenades should explode

Fixed broken links -Scat

Brilliant! I am up North so I can't test it out, but if this is legit you've made exploration so much easier in many levels.  Great job!!!

this is legit i just explored on a few firefight maps

alpha site

they all were easy except windward as i needed to be pushed through the side wall

only map this wont work on is chasm ten

SGP Task Force: Black Ops / Re: SGP: Theories - Inaccessible Areas
« on: December 19, 2009, 00:08:54 »
Well done !

I couldn't let the camera on the dead body falling, so i don't know how you've done it, but that's good !
;D would you tell me ? :P )

Thank you for this odst glitcher ;
Now, it could be interesting during "Data Hive" mission to try to go in the elevator cage and see if it rise to Coastal Highway !


well you would have to launch through the barrier on data hive i`ll try tommorow and you could help me

we would just need to betray for enough frags then ka-boom!!!!

i don`t know how i did it i just swapped to my character and he was past the barrier

Report In! / Re: secret road
« on: December 18, 2009, 19:27:13 »
OG:  Please post your reports in "Report In!".  Topic moved.

sorry as you know i`m a bit new and still haven`t got the hang of what forum i should be in lol

Report In! / Re: supply cache doors open
« on: December 18, 2009, 19:25:26 »
Ok, this is very clear to me now.  Thanks to all for their input.  They went into a dark area without bumping and found a supply caches with missing doors.  This is normal.

The only thing left to clear up is OGs' report that:
from squid henge to kikowani station all locked supply caches were now open except the ones you can open with audio logs

I highly doubt this, as it would mean D06, D04, D03, and D00 all had missing supply cache doors at the same time.  You're telling me you were loading new districts into memory with missing doors?  I think you may have exaggerated a little. 

Enigma: since you are looking at the video, can you please clear this up so I can lock this thread?

yeah i exxagerated a bit but every district i went in locked cache`s were open and we didn`t bump

Report In! / Re: supply cache doors open
« on: December 18, 2009, 19:04:40 »
They jumped over the force field barrier (those blue covy shields) by head jumping.
                            Think its near the bus terminal

CG this was the area you took Apollo and I. But when we did it we bumped the doors open in the bus depo and mongoosed inside. Remember? and the 3 of us were inside an elevator shaft that went no where...

They thought they Bumped but really there was nothing to load...

if i bumped why did we have to clip through the door as everytime i`ve bumped there i will normally be able to enter without clipping through

hey has anyone tried going into free cam when my body goes onto the roofs when me and scat keep killing each other

Report In! / Re: supply cache doors open
« on: December 18, 2009, 18:34:41 »
Isn't this the same game you were playing where you had gotten in side the elevator?

i believe so but i don`t remember

why does it feel like i`ve posted this thread before   :-\

SGP Task Force: Black Ops / Re: SGP: Theories - Inaccessible Areas
« on: December 18, 2009, 18:21:55 »
Nicely done OG.  :)

why thank you i`m a master at theater all i did was wait till the dead bodies past the barrier and i could get in

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