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Messages - odst glitcher

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Intel / Re: Dark Hall on Final Level
« on: December 20, 2009, 19:32:15 »
k you'll have to show me

i believe it is them big grey doors in the car park and if they are you can just get through there with a warthog(CM) or a ghost(FF) and maybe CSI`s method

Intel / Re: Dark Hall on Final Level
« on: December 20, 2009, 19:28:42 »
nevermind i believe i know which area you are talking about could he move at all or jump

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 20, 2009, 19:14:16 »
 hey i believe you just need 6 nades to do this as awhile back i was trying to do it when a hunter appeared and i threw all 6 nades(using both controllers) and they were standing up

but that assault elite seems weird as he takes alot more explosions to stay up maybe there is someone special about him as he is the only assault elite you find in new mombasa

BTW i was on the game for 40 minutes until i finally got the assault elite to stand so don`t think about pics soon i need to get it done quicker as he was only up for 2 seconds then fell over and there wasn`t any glyphes

also has anyone tried bringing in six elites then doing this trick nades speed things up a lot

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:43:29 »
ok i`m getting on now

BTW enigma can you do this with other dead people

Report In! / Re: secret road
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:35:17 »
ok... but i still have no idea where you are. can you go up?

look start a coastal highway game when you get on
go to the phantom and watch it fly away
now go to theater and put the camera above the phantoms cockpit
wait till you get pushed outside the barrier and explore the secret road is to the left

Report In! / Re: strange firefight glitch
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:33:49 »
yes that happend to me it shouldve shown the prepare to drop pic if you started i dunno why it didnt let you but when i did it it put me in the ship and said "Y fly cam" so i pressed it, turned around and boom power out. The goddam lady shut off my power.

lol but it was no screen at all it was just blank then poof friend joins and it is crater day

Report In! / Re: secret road
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:32:42 »
can you give us more depth? where does it go, where are you, stuff like that. pics would be nice

i was outside of coastal highway and the pic is as close as i could get to the mysterious road

BTW it was on the other side of two high walls which are normal near district doors

Report In! / strange firefight glitch
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:30:24 »
today i was so hyped about doing the zombie elites thing i just kept pressing A and i loaded on the ff lobby

it said

0 skulls
greyed out start game

this map is unplayable(something like that but i couldn`t start game)

i invited a buddy an it instantly loaded up crater on normal

how did this happen and how do i do the normal glitch where you play on prepare to drop

This means you'll have to play CM:TP again... but on easy you can literally sprint through the level without killing a single enemy.  Takes about a minute.  And you don't have to play CM:UR to get to the first UNSC Recruiting Station in D08.

i done that no bullets or melees or even killing it took about 2:30 no deaths except my friend got splattered by a flying car lol

While i was on my Scatcycle account (one and only) i had all sadies story and that stuff and so when me and glitcher got out of tarayazi plaza we went to this garden like place with trees near crater and i saw a security so i went to it, i couldnt open it but i heard vergil saying something. it wasnt the optican stuff. It was weird. I heard him right outside the door.

wow did i miss it we should get out again and see

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:16:27 »
we gotta try in the engineer place too to see if they repair them. I can imagine: *zzzzzzzzzz spark zzzzzzz* "Im... alive! RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" *gets assasinated*  " :( "

lol but how will we get so much grenades with them around we had to kill them to respawn

enigma said this also works on marines so let`s try them as well

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 20, 2009, 16:13:21 »
I got a bunch of questions: 1: Brother? Well anyways welcome aboard Hornet!
2: where is the assault elite?
3: should we try the brute again cuz i think we messed up

And answers:

1: I assume the elite standing position was used in the game because it is halos engine, which has them standing. I dont understand why bungie wouldnt edit them out though. As they have said. Enemy skins and code (standing) takes alot of space. thats why they removed the battle rifle.

That engineer idea is fabulous! Me and glitcher will try to keep the engys alive!

ok when i get on at 5:10(UK time) i will show you the assault elite and we can try the brutes and other enemies to see if they work to

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 20, 2009, 14:34:39 »
ok sorry for what people would call double posting but i have a good idea

what if we bring the ghost into the henge it would make the whole thing quicker

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 20, 2009, 13:49:46 »
see the new VID in my post before this. its mombass strts 001
we didnt bump the district this time. we tried it with a brute. didnt work. But i do say we give it another try. We did it with no engies. We didnt try elites out of the henge though. tomorow morning (for me) we will def try it though. we will also try on tarazy plaza. Another thing thats weird is when we went to opposite of crater to try on a brute the tri glyph wasnt there. once we started betraying for nades it was there after i  had died! strange.

thanks for that huge amout of time you used to make that post coldglider. Also the new one in my file share is updated with more stuff. BTW my tri glyph is there so "i can haz achievment?"

One last note: Elites do not hold weapons like carbine or sniper if you put it next to them. You cant walk through the elites.


hey scat i tried with a friend outside the henge but no luck when you get online you wanna try make that assault elite stand up

and we can try and bring a covenant patrol inside the henge and see if they stand

oh and cold i will try the no melee at sometime and try with other dead guys

Report In! / Re: dead elite standing
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:50:07 »
Cold is gonna shit bricks when he sees this... How many 'nades need to be around the body?

no idea but we betrayed alot and i ain`t counting them all

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