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Messages - odst glitcher

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Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 24, 2009, 19:54:22 »
how would using purple speed things up?

It blows up. :)
BUT I think it wouldn't help, because it's explosion is way smaller than a frag grenade's explosion (you don't die if you stand near an exploding vehicle).

no it would help because you get infinite bullets to kill teamates with and you can splatter them

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 24, 2009, 14:28:30 »
hmmm... maybe your just bad at elite resurrection xD
Yeah well, that's why I would like to someone else try it and report here!

in tried that aswell on MS no luck but the second time worked i`m gonna stuff them in  corner and get tons of nades

BTW has anyone tried using the purple to speed things up

Theorizers / Re: Engineers and Stonehenge
« on: December 23, 2009, 15:17:09 »
Ok. so I attepted to to gather dead Elites and get them to stonehenge, after about an hour I had gotten 5 dead Elites about 20% of the way to Stonehenge....naturally I gave up, since it would probably take me around 4 hour to complete. So I decided to get a Hunter to follow me to squidehenge, got em, killed him and nothing happened. In frustration I killed both Engineers, blow up my mongoose and span around till both of my weapons couldn't fire anymore. While spinning and blasting I noticed I was missing something.....The sad face was GONE! leaving only an empty Y glyph. So I quit out after realizing that nothing special had opened or magically appeared and decided to go into theater (1:06:05 worth of video and didnt really do anything till about 59:18 Urg...) Ok so before I get to the glyph, I noticed the the hunter's are aware of the monitor, I was board in monitor mode ( since my guy was beating down dead elites for an hour) so I went to where the Hunter's were resting, if you are around 30 feet away and zoom in on them their tentacles will rise. I did this several time to make sure that I was in fact triggering a response.....If nothing else its odd. Brutes nor Grunt's produced the same results. its weird because you are watching the "past" and to be able to trigger response that never originally took exciting! what else can we trigger a reaction to?!?!!?  Ok so when I finally made it to the time line I was looking for awaited the sad glyph disappearance.... so that I could take the ground breaking photo.. It never went away..... in game it was gone ( the Hunter dead in the middle) I even took a picture of the Hunter in the middle and for some odd reason the Hunter didn't show up and the glyph did. I would post the picture...but it unfortunately does NOT prove anything nor does it support anything I have stated.

Oh well..... ::)

couldn`t you just nade them it made it faster for me and scat

yes i`m a necroposter....and i love it  8)

Report In! / Re: Zombielites (was: dead elite standing)
« on: December 23, 2009, 15:14:06 »
yeah i think the next thing we should do is resurect the elite on tarazy TAYARI plaza with the 2 sword handles next to it
Good spelling Cycle. :)
But just so you know:
1)There are no elites nor sword handles near Tayari Plaza
2)I SERIOUSLY doubt that the Elite will grab the sword(s). Just saying.

By the way: I tried this trick on Halo 3. Doesn't work :(. It's just that if the Game Engines are the same, what is the factor that makes Zombielites in ODST?


1. They are already dead.
2. You didn't kill it.
3. butt load of nades
4.......umm that's it

tried with a cop and marine body didn`t work

to imppa: yes they are elites on tayari plaza in the second area there is a white one and two sword handles near him

Report In! / Re: friendly oliphant glitch/easteregg
« on: December 22, 2009, 23:56:18 »
yeah thats because your not supposed to see it. how did you pass the barrier tho?

got a wraith behind th barrier so i could get in it

Theorizers / Re: is it possible to dumpster fly on odst
« on: December 22, 2009, 20:13:20 »
I think the problem is that ODSTs can't jump as high as Spartans/Elites...

you don`t need to jump high you just need to jump very fast to stay in midair

Report In! / Re: friendly oliphant glitch/easteregg
« on: December 22, 2009, 15:59:28 »
I'm sorry but I didn't understand anything you said...
Will you please rephrase that? o.O

i got through the invisible barrier and it still shows the oliphant friendly

Report In! / Re: Deloading...( board?)
« on: December 22, 2009, 13:30:17 »
I would like to see the Echo Plinth loaded up on the back of a Mongoose.  I'm thinking there might be "loading dock" potential right there in D05 on the northwestern edge.

Just sayin'.

which plinth type is echo

Theorizers / is it possible to dumpster fly on odst
« on: December 22, 2009, 13:20:45 »
i remember flying in halo 3 and would like to know does it still work now me and scat tried but he gave up just as we got into the air and i fell to my watery death  :(

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Temporal Alignment
« on: December 22, 2009, 13:18:55 »
Maybe it's not plinths? Maybe plinths are for decoration and there is some other totaly awesome thing that we overlooked... Like elites or a certain weapon.

I dont know I just woke up from a bad nightmare that had to do with zombies and dark stuff...

I need coffee...

The company currently only offers sevices for Mongoose(s) but may soon extend to warthogs and even purple! All for the low low price of hundreds of replicated soldiers' lives!

lol have you been playing too much nazi zombies or L4D again kenji

Report In! / friendly oliphant glitch/easteregg
« on: December 22, 2009, 13:08:20 »
recently i tried doing the moving phantom glitch but it didn`t work but i did find this

in this vid i get back across the barrier and find the oliphant is still there and still shows the green glow around it in visr mode

it is also movable but i couldn`t get to it because the dumb AA wraith wreckage was blocking me off but i could move it so if we deleted that AA wraith the oliphant might be able to be pushed with a wraith from behind if you leave the wraith at the back and get a scorpion or other vehicle to get back through the barrier

anybody able to check this out  ;D

Report In! / Re: i saw the pilot of the pelican in ONI alpha site
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:54:34 »


why do i keep forgeting *hits self*  >:( in the meantime you can just go on it and put the camera in the air until it gets pushed into the cockpit it is just 2 cops standing in mid air

Report In! / Re: strange firefight glitch
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:53:06 »
Maybe a disc read problem? I installed it the day I got it so I won't have those problems.

no just had it a few minutes ago i believe it didn`t load

Theorizers / Re: Returning to Halo CE...
« on: December 22, 2009, 00:26:51 »
Just did so on solo Heroic, brought the same warthog the whole way and nothing new.

HOWEVER.  I did notice that in the ending cutscene there are 3 ODST beneath the Phantom after Buck pushes Dare and Virgil up into the Phantom.  1 is the Rookie, 1 is Buck.  Who is the other one?  Everyone else is still in the Phantom.

1 is the rookie
1 is buck and the other is dutch as you see him come out of the phantom

SGP Task Force: The Librarians / Re: i found a mistake by bungie
« on: December 21, 2009, 23:26:15 »
Where does it say what you said it says?
If Bungie said whatever it said it's because what it said is what Bungie wanted to say, so what you said about it saying something Bungie said (because it was Bungie who said) must be wrong.

that was confusing but it is by the rocket spawn(FF alpha site) on both CM and FF above the bench

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